By Rene Escobar

The Hall of Fame, the pinnacle of the sports world is a testament to the legacies of athletes.
Displayed in museums around the country, the stars of the past are immortalized and viewed by fans.
None are bigger than the National Football League Hall of Fame. Every summer, the Hall of Fame induction ceremony draws a national audience with its annual game to kick off the preseason.
It generates millions of dollars in revenue for the museum and more for the NFL. Lately some hall of famers have requested that some of that revenue be put into a hall of fame salary and an insurance for life fund.
Although the members of the hall of fame are in the right for requesting something such as insurance for life, should be considered by the multi-billion-dollar company of the NFL.
The reason why the hall of fame members are members is because they displayed their tremendous talent to the masses of NFL loyalist, set records, became legends. They are what made the NFL what it is today.
The NFL has a debt to these athletes, but not to the extent of a salary. However, an insurance policy for the players of a sport that that produces the most traumatic brain injuries.
That’s a policy that should not extend only to members of the hall of fame but to every NFL player. If an athlete plays in the NFL for more than three years, they should be entitled to a lifelong health insurance policy.
Every time an NFL player steps on the field their putting their livelihood on the line San Francisco 49ers defensive back Richard Sherman described an NFL game as “being in car wreck.” Via ESPN.
American football creates one of the most devastating diseases to the human body Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. CTE is caused by repeated brain injury, USA Today says the NFL experienced a six year high in concussions in the 2017 NFL season with 281 reported concussions.
CTE can create changes in behavior, memory loss, and lead to death.
To the NFL, the athletes that help make the you billionaires should have access to an insurance to keep them healthy enough to attend these ceremonies that applaud they’re greatness. Show appreciation to the athletes that make you money.