Pima Community College Theatre will present “Tartuffe,” a classic tale with romance and sardonic humor.
The production, which will run Nov. 8-18, is directed by Pima’s new theater arts faculty, Chris Will. “Tartuffe” presents the tale set during the life of King Louis XVI with a modern message.

The story is set in the home of the wealthy Orgon, where Tartuffe — a fraud and a pious imposter — has infiltrated the Orgon estate. He wins Orgon’s favor, then attempts to marry his daughter, seduce his wife and steal the deed to the property.

“This production is different from others because its a classical story told in a modern way,” Will said. “What’s great is the topics that were written hundreds of years ago still have relevance today.”
The message of “Tartuffe” is one that holds today.
“It’s hard to tell when people are telling the truth or not,” Will said. “You see it in politics, you see it in relationships and you see it at work. We are really conscious of what is truth anymore.”

Set in the end of the era of French monarchy, the costumes consist of ornately designed gowns, gold trim and a focus on elegance.
If you’re on the fence about seeing the production, Will said you should check it out because Moliére can be viewed as the French version of Shakespeare, and it’s in verse. It’s fun for the ears, according to Will.
Whether a break from midterms or a fun date night, “Tartuffe” is worth the watch.
“It’ll be fun to listen to, fun to see and everyone needs to see ‘Tartuffe’ at one point in their life,” said Will.

What: Pima Theatre presents TARTUFFE
Where: Pima Community College Center for the Arts Black Box Theatre, West Campus, 2202 W. Anklam Road
When: Nov. 8-18. 7:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. ASL interpreters will be at the Nov. 15 show.
General admission: $17
Information: Box office hours: Noon-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays and one hour prior to each performance. Call 206-6986; email [email protected]; or go to

Cast List
Madame Pernelle, Orgon’s mother – Stacey Posey
Orgon, Elmire’s husband – Andy Miller
Elmire, Orgon’s wife – Scarlett Sky
Damis, Orgon’s son, Elmire’s stepson – Teaguen Gross