Inspired by teenage Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a series of international protests demanding action have taken place in the lead up to the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23.
Other topics raised by protesters included indigenous rights and inequality.
Globally, over 2,500 events were scheduled in over 160 countries, according to Vox.
Tucson residents came out with signs in hand for the Arizona Youth Climate Strike rally Sept. 20 in Downtown Tucson in El Presidio park. The event was co-led by University of Arizona students Daniel Casanova and Lyle Klein.
“Climate change is one of the areas we’ve worked on the edges on,” said Tucson mayoral candidate Regina Romero. “But we really need to have a much more clear approach. What I’m proposing is a climate action plan to create resiliency in our city and bring down our carbon emissions.”
Event attendee Sula Miller said that her drive for marching was her concern for future generations.