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Shelly Emerson, a Pima Community College student, offers the gift of spiritual reminder through optimism, critical thinking, and creativity.

As Emerson put it: Romans 12:6 tells us, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.”
Her book “Spiritual Mazes & Puzzles” was released in February 2017. The book contains handcrafted mazes with deep scriptural ties. Each puzzle takes the participant on a journey through a biblical lesson, some with multiple starts or endings and some with none at all.
Emerson has been a follower of God her whole life. Growing up in Minnesota, she experienced symptoms of epilepsy throughout her childhood. She received a formal diagnosis in 1971.
“I remember after I had a seizure, my mom said … don’t just sit there. Do something! And so I did,” Emerson said.
Later on, she began to take art classes. Through artistic expression, she found relaxation and peace. This also allowed her to brainstorm connections between visual imagery, scripture and their implications in the physical world. Many of her maze puzzles contain relevant visuals, such as hands folded in prayer and fruits of the spirit.
She proclaims that the book’s mission is to allow people of all ages to build a stronger relationship with the heavenly father. In addition, she hopes to increase awareness on the knowledge of the Bible itself.
One of Emerson’s favorites is the “Crazy Maze.”
“It represents the excuses for the sins of daily life,” she said.
Emerson maintains a visionary lens, seeing art and ideas for new puzzles everywhere she goes.
She has spent time volunteering within the system of Veteran’s Affairs, which is where she drew inspiration for her patriotic mazes in the book. Some other influences include “Gilligan’s Island” and maps of the world.
Through the power of prayer and trust in Christianity, she is grateful to have developed a creative platform by which she simultaneously expresses her own passion and the word of the gospel.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Emerson said. “Even though life’s not easy.”
Emerson’s book, “Spiritual Mazes & Puzzles,” can be purchased on Amazon for $13.95.