Month: May 2020

News, Opinion

Perplexing Measures Prompted by COVID-19

Photo Courtesy of Jason Connolly / AFP - Getty Images Demonstrators gather in front of the Colorado State Capitol building to protest coronavirus stay-at-home orders during a "Reopen Colorado" rally in Denver on Sunday, April 19, 2020. By Kevin Hartung I have heard some very unusual stories regarding measures of social distancing being implemented by the stay-at-home mandates. While some make me laugh, others make me question their legality. Americans facing the fear of COVID-19 have selflessly given up freedoms to assure the outbreak is confined and ends quickly. They deserve recognition for their efforts. Still, there are some that want to push the envelope. For instance, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has incessantly added to stay-at-home measures which have sparked demonstrations ...
Features, News, Opinion

Displaying Humanity in a Crisis

Photo Courtesy of Rebecca Sasnett / Arizona Daily Star Steve Tracy, Thunder Canyon Brewery co-owner and brewer, fills up 16oz bottles of locally made hand sanitizer at Thunder Canyon Brewery, 220 E. Broadway Blvd., in Tucson, Ariz., on April 6, 2020. by Kevin Hartung We often overlook opportunities to reveal our humanitarian side to others. It may be hiding somewhere under the surface, but the coronavirus is bringing it out in many. While many people reach out to family, friends, and neighbors, individuals are not the only ones to recognize the need and offer aid. A March 16 article on BuzzFeed discussed that a program, No Kid Hungry, identified a problem and framed a solution. The article stated that since the coronavirus has forced mass school closures across the country, millions ...