Pima Post

Get your popcorn ready.
Pima Community College is bringing back its now sixth annual Popcorn With A Program.
The free program helps first-year students learn more about majors they might be interested in pursuing. Students can find out details on various programs as well as ask questions to subject experts.
This semester, the program will feature Applied Technology; Social Sciences, Humanities and Education; and Health Science.

- 2-4 p.m. Feb. 16, focusing on Applied Technology
- 11 a.m.-1 p.m. March 30, focusing on Social Sciences, Humanities and Education
- 2-4 p.m. April 20 at 2-4 p.m., focusing on Health Science
The meetings for these functions will take place over Zoom with any students that are interested in these majors.
There will be a chance for prizes that will include Pima-specific items that will be mailed out to the winners.
Here’s the link for the ZOOM meetings:
For any questions, email Renee Forsyth at [email protected].