Pima Post
For those who live in Tucson, the Gem and Mineral Show is a busy, well-known event that’s often an inconvenience for regular commuters.
As someone who has attended the Gem Show, I can say that it certainly is interesting. However, colorful crystals have never really been my forte.
For people who might feel the same way, there is another show that has been running in Tucson for the past 20 years: the Tucson Reptile and Amphibian Show.
The show is targeted to all ages, and the two-day show Oct. 1 and 2 will include a variety of vendors selling captive-bred reptiles and amphibians.
Animal lovers will enjoy the petting zoo, which will include giant tortoises, lizards and snakes. This year, even warm-blooded animals will be represented. A local petting zoo, Funny Foot Farm, will be doing a mammal petting zoo, too.
Tucson Reptile and Amphibian Show
Tucson Expo Center
3750 E. Irvington Road.Oct. 1: 9:30 – 5 p.m.
Oct. 2: 10 – 4 p.m.Admission: $10 adults; $5 children;
free for children younger than 5. Cash only.Information: