Pima County Sheriff’s Department Capt. Harold “Buddy” Janes has been assigned as the Acting Chief of Pima Community College Police. The announcement was made in a Oct. 7 email to college staff by PCC Vice Chancellor Bill Ward.
Janes assumed duties on Oct. 7 and will be assisting Pima Police with getting its International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators accreditation.
Michelle Nieuwenhuis has been the acting Pima chief of police since August.
Janes is replacing former Chief Christopher Albers, who stepped down from the role in mid-August after serving as Pima’s chief for three years.
Ward said Albers stepped down for personal reasons.
When contacted by phone, Albers declined to comment.
In previous years, turnover within the department has been a major issue for public safety.
“Turnover in PCCPD leadership over the last several years has led to a degree of management and operational ineffectiveness and inefficiency and lack of accountability within the chain of command,” according to a Loaned Executive Management Assistance Program executive summary in 2017.