

Two distracted driving bills vie for passage

By KYLE KERSEY There are two competing measures passing through the Arizona legislature aimed at curbing distracted driving on a statewide level. The first is Senate Bill 1165, which would make it illegal to hold a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. Hands-free voice-based communication would be exempt from the law, but it would ban texting and driving on a state level. It also would ban drivers holding their phones during phone calls. An exception is made for contacting emergency services. The proposal, which passed through the Arizona State Senate by a 20-10 margin, is being pushed through by a bipartisan group of legislators. The bill was supported by all the Democrats in the Senate, while just 7 of the 10 Republican senators voted in favor of its passage. The impetus for th...
PCC holds Respiratory Care Conference at Downtown Campus

PCC holds Respiratory Care Conference at Downtown Campus

By DRAEDON LEDBETTER The Arizona State Society for Respiratory Care held a conference April 3 in the Amethyst Room on Pima Community College’s Downtown Campus. The event ran from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. “This is one of my proudest moments in my 14 years of affiliation with the respiratory therapy program at Pima Community College,” said Pima Respiratory Care Program Director Jeffrey Miller. Miller has left Pima as of April 5 to be the respiratory therapy manager at Tucson Medical Center. Russell Schmidt is taking over Pima’s respiratory care program. Opening remarks began at 9 a.m. A portion of the opening remarks were pre-recorded and the other portion was live at the event. Early on in the conference, there was job interview etiquette tips and how to be prepared for the interview compared...
PCC holds space for Team 18029’s weed-killing device

PCC holds space for Team 18029’s weed-killing device

By DRAEDON LEDBETTER Pima Community College has started a partnership with the University of Arizona’s ENGR 498 class.  UA Engineering needed more space to work, which meant moving the initiative moved its operation to the Mechatronics lab at the Downtown campus.  The capstone project that Team 18029 has been working on is a weed-killing device.  The weed-killing device uses a pneumatic punch which pinches and can drill holes  to kill to weeds and increase crop production. The device identifies weeds through its manual operation as well as a camera positioned on its surface as of right now the machine is operational.  The pneumatic punch will position itself over the weed and stomp it. Its overall purpose is to work in shaping the new frontier of agricultural technology.   The Cap...
Monaco takes lead as Pima’s athletic director

Monaco takes lead as Pima’s athletic director

Jim Monaco is the new Athletic Director for Pima Community College and spoke to the Press about his duties and his transition from football coach to the Athletic Director. He gave us insight on what it is that an Athletic Director does and how he will be performing these new tasks. Q: What was the first thing you did as Athletic Director? A: I took a look at this year’s budget and try to get costs like Kino (Sports Complex), under control and try to get (sports) things back here on West Campus. That was the first thing we actually sat down and did with Ray as a part of our staff, we kind of sat down and said, this is important and it saves the school money right away and let's get started doing that.    Q: What has been the toughest thing you have had to deal with thus far? A: I thin...
How Pima and the UA kill the weeds

How Pima and the UA kill the weeds

Story and photo By DRAEDON LEDBETTER Pima Community College has started a partnership with the University of Arizona’s ENGR 498 class.  UA Engineering needed more space to work, which meant moving the initiative moved its operation to the Mechatronics lab at the Downtown campus.  The capstone project that Team 18029 has been working on is a weed-killing device.  The weed-killing device uses a pneumatic punch which pinches and can drill holes  to kill to weeds and increase crop production. The device identifies weeds through its manual operation as well as a camera positioned on its surface as of right now the machine is operational.  The pneumatic punch will position itself over the weed and stomp it. Its overall purpose is to work in shaping the new frontier of agricultural technol...
Giving prisoners a second chance at Pima

Giving prisoners a second chance at Pima

By COSTA B. PAPPAS Inmates can spend years inside county jails. When they are released into the world with their freedom returned, they often have little to no job experience or the necessary education. This is often compounded by the fact returning home can be a battle of its own. After all, spending time inside a jail does not look good on a resume, and rejoining society and reiterating oneself on the culture can take time. Many, without support, are forced to go back into the life of crime in order to survive. For many, this way of life is all they know. The MacArthur Foundation was started by John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur to donate money to progress U.S. society, to help alleviate the social challenges that exist for those less fortunate. One of the plans Pima County has to u...

Pima’s Access and Disability Resources

By AMARIS ENCINAS and DRAEDON LEDBETTER Access and Disability Resources is open to students with disabilities at Pima Community College at every campus.  ADR offers low, medium and higher forms of technologies. Screen reading and voice recognition software are examples of some forms of higher technology. Digital recorders or smart pens can be considered medium technology. Lower technology includes adjustable desks or ergonomic seating.  “ADR offers many access technologies for students depending on what a student might need to have equal access to college activities and programming as well as the provision of training for the use of these access technologies,” said Jonathan Howe, director of ADR.  Coaching and Pathways Program Support Services is an academic coaching program that works...
What the HLC report means for Pima College

What the HLC report means for Pima College

By AMARIS ENCINAS The Higher Learning Commission is a Chicago based regional accreditation institution that, “accredited degree-granting colleges and universities that are based in a nineteen stage region basis of the United States.  The HLC’s mission as a regional accreditor is to, “validate the quality of an institution as a whole and evaluates multiple aspects of an institution, including its academic offerings, governance and administration, mission, finances, and resources. HLC’s institutional accreditation includes all degree levels as well as onsite and online offerings”, according to the HLC website.  The HLC works in relativity to the U.S. Department of Education and the process of determining accreditation is based off of a system of peer reviews. Institutions are evaluated up...
New free educational services for our veterans

New free educational services for our veterans

Story and photo by  KYLE MCDANIEL If you’re in the military and are looking to continue your education after your service, there’s the Veterans Upward Bound Program.  It’s a program that helps you continue your education after and sometimes during your service.  This is the second year of the five-year grant, and the program recently was awarded an $11,217 increase to continue offering educational resources to veterans. This goes along with the $250,000 to $300,000 that’s already received each year. This program needs more exposure, especially for those who are looking for help.  “I think a program such as this may help some people but I don’t know much about it,” said Justin Terpstra, an Iraq/Afghanistan war veteran. “Everyone has different passions and dreams, and some of those inv...
All aboard The Aztec Resource Center

All aboard The Aztec Resource Center

Story and photo by PARKER BROCK   Pima Community College is building the Aztec Resource Center and Food Bank and everybody is getting on board.  The ARC is a student-driven initiative to provide more for students in need and is located at the West and Desert Vista campuses. The initiative is headed by Rachael Lord, adviser for the Student Social Services organization at West Campus, and Donald Harp at Desert Vista Campus. Social services students have supported the project for the past year. They have been collecting food and going to community members asking for donations. The project is working to receive ServSafe food bank certification, which is needed to distribute goods from the food bank, as transporting, storing and distributing food and donations isn’t a simple process....