Why we’re getting punched by the pump
Photo courtesy of herzogbr is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Gas prices across the nation have been rising for months, and it’s affecting all of our wallets.
The reasoning behind the rising prices, however, is not so simple.
According to AAA, the national average per gallon is $3.41 on Nov. 18. Arizona’s average is sitting at $3.72, which is 31 cents over the national average.
Per usual, Tucson’s average per gallon is lower than the rest of the state at $3.55, while Phoenix has an average of $3.79 and Flagstaff tops Arizona’s prices at $3.84.
There hasn’t been a national average this high since June 2014, when a gallon of gas was $3.72. In fact, Arizona tops the nation in the highest week-over-week increase at the pump, with an 8-cent jump.