Letter from the Editor: The Legend of “Camaro Joe”
“Camaro Joe.”
Essentially, it would be a live-action “Magic School Bus,” with a smaller cast and an identical copy of my first car, a blue-green ’91 Chevy Camaro RS.
Every episode would begin with me asking the precocious diverse cast of child actors, “Hey kids! What do we want to learn today?”
That would be followed by spending the next half-hour going out into the world in the Camaro to experience first hand whatever the kids said.
That’s my daydream elevator pitch for a PBS children’s show.
After all, “Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced.”
It is an idea shared by both the poet John Keats and naturalist Freeman Tilden.
But I’ve heard Alton Brown describe it better as the “Monkey Touch Monolith Moment” in reference to “2001: A Space Odyssey.”