
The lost art of sports card collecting

The lost art of sports card collecting

By KYLE McDANIEL Sports card collecting is a shrinking market, as fewer kids have an interest in them.  Matt Mortenson, owner of OverTime Sports, a sports collectible shop on Speedway Boulevard weighed in.  “The biggest factor I think is kids have phones, iPads and so many other avenues besides cards, so it’s not as cool as it was when I was a kid,” he said.  With the increased awareness about how some sports will leave you with health issues later on in life, parents are enrolling their children in other activities.  Over the last seven years, children ages 6 to 12 that didn’t participated in team sports was about 44 percent, according to the Aspen Institute, an educational blog. That doesn’t mean they don’t watch it, but when you play the sport, you get more connected to it.  When...
Out of the closet, not on TV

Out of the closet, not on TV

By ERIK MEDINA  I believe that representation allows us to move toward equality, and it is what I feel most minority groups desire.  The year 2018 was great for representation for many minority groups. “Crazy Rich Asians” and “Black Panther” broke boundaries. Both films have most, if not all, actors of minority descent.  “CRA” was the first major theatrical release to have an all-Asian cast since “The Joy Luck Club,” which was released in 1993. “Black Panther” also showed hiring minorities doesn’t jeopardize a film’s success. The film predominately was cast with black actors and had a variety of people of color working behind the scenes such as director Ryan Coogler.  Aside from ethnicity, we also saw more female-led films such as “Oceans Eight” and “A Simple Favor.” Both films portray...


 By JOE GIDDENS Welcome to a New Year and a new semester. The start of a New Year is often viewed as a blank slate of endless possibility, the chance for rebirth and self improvement with New Year’s resolutions.  Or you could decide to forego all of that and double down on your previous choices.   Prior to November’s midterms, Arizona Republicans occupied all statewide elected offices, held both chambers of the Legislature and a majority of the congressional seats. The blue wave hit, eroding away much of these holdings.  Republican Sen. Jeff Flake was replaced at the polls by a Democrat for the first time in 30 years. A similar trend occurred throughout the midterms in Arizona, a state that Trump won in 2016 by 4 points.  Faced with the trend of an increasingly purple state, two opti...
From hater to participator: My life in cycles

From hater to participator: My life in cycles

By ANGEL CANEZ Odds are, I was like many of the people reading this, and I hated those bike riders so fucking much. My anger boiled over at bicyclists taking what seemed like half the road up in their dumb spandex bodysuits. Ignoring the laws because they’re  not technically a “motor vehicle.” I bet these feelings are more than reassured after the El Tour de Tucson came and went Nov. 17. Tucson's always bringing in those out-of-town flatlander, bike fools for El Tour de Tucson. Then I got a bike, and just like the first time I had onions, I turned my head slightly to the left, did a double-take and realized, “Hey this isn’t that bad -- it’s actually pretty good.” I’ve become a bike patriot in the last year, I haven’t descended into full-on Spandex bodysuit and honestly I don’t care ...
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR- Bring forth your weirdos

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR- Bring forth your weirdos

  By NORA THOMPSON I started taking journalism classes when I was in high school. I decided to forgo the free period at the end of the day that all my friends had and write for the newspaper at Sahuaro High School.  I’m glad that I did because I realized that I was passionate about reporting and writing. And it gave the clarity that I needed when I started college to declare a major.  In high school, I was a part of an almost entirely female editing squad, and I expected college to be that way as well. I’d heard that women are more likely to pursue writing careers than STEM majors so I expected journalism to be a girls club once more.  I was wrong, JRN 101 was evenly split between male and female. Then, when I took newspaper publishing, it was mostly men.  This year, in a class of 12...

The depressing reality of life with depression

By ERIK MEDINA There are various misconceptions of depression, the most common and my personal favorite is that you’re just sad. Depression isn’t just something you wake up with, it’s something that lingers with you until it becomes crippling.  Everyone experiences depression differently. There isn’t a code of conduct that tells you how to live your life.  Depression is better known as unipolar depression, according to the “Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology” (Eighth Edition), a textbook used to teach Psychology 214 at Pima Community College. It also states that “whenever we feel particularly unhappy, we are likely to describe ourselves as ‘depressed.’  In all likelihood, we are merely responding to sad events, fatigue, or unhappy thoughts. This loose use of the term confuses a perfect...
Hope for a Psychedelic Renaissance

Hope for a Psychedelic Renaissance

By DANIEL VELASCO Drugs are always controversial. Any substance that has any effect on the brain has been often been scrutinized through a controlling eye. In the book “Peyote: the Divine Cactus,” Edward F. Anderson describes psychedelics as “a horror to the Catholic mind.” He claims that “Spanish Conquistadores saw mind-altering drugs of the Aztecs as “pestiferous and wicked.” In another book, “Shamans Through Time” by Jeremy Narby and Francis Huxley, it is claimed that the Spanish navigator and natural historian Fernandez de Oveido called indigenous tobacco use “devil worship.” Because of this stigma, ancient knowledge that was once held sacred has since been looked down upon. Because of this, the world as we know it today is both stunted by its perception of psychedelics, and distan...
‘Cos’ for concern

‘Cos’ for concern

By RENE ESCOBAR The sentencing of Bill Cosby was three to 10 years incarceration in a state prison.  That’s a slap on the wrist and a slap to the face of equal rights groups. The people of those groups should be outraged. Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, by Judge Steven O’Neill. Though the judge said it was a “serious crime,” Cosby could be released after three years. That is not enough for drugging and raping a woman. That is a federal crime, where the minimum should be a 15-year sentence. A first-degree offense should be a possible 25-year to life sentence. The aftermath of the Cosby sentencing will be a loss in the fight for equality. Rape should be looked at as a high-class federal offense such as kidnapping and murder. Three years as th...
Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Alfred J. Luther of the 1st Kansas Infantry is buried at Vicksburg National Cemetery in Mississippi; Section K, Grave No. 5971. Albert Cashier of the 95th Illinois Infantry is also among the 17,000 buried.  The National Cemetery there is often not as quiet as you may suspect. The stillness is punctuated by sounds of industry, which is fitting as the city of Vicksburg was laid siege to for control of the Mississippi River and the railroad during the Civil War. You can look up the names of the Confederates that surrendered after the siege. I keep meaning to find out of if several of the men with the last name “Giddens” are my ancestors. Though I wonder if those Giddens added to the number buried there.  This Veterans Day, I’ve been dwelling on the winter I spent in Vicksburg. Alfred and A...
Sports dynasties are destroying competition

Sports dynasties are destroying competition

By Kyle McDaniel   Raise your hand if you’re tired of seeing the New England Patriots, Alabama College Football and now to some extent the Golden State Warriors, win year after year after year. It gets old fast especially if you’re a fan of a rival team, or just look for the league to be competitive.   For example, I am a Miami Dolphin fan. I have to see Brady, Belicheat (as I call him) and the Patriots twice a year, every year. Then add the Patriots winning their division, the AFC East 14 out of the last 15 years and you get quite discouraged, yet hopeful as a Dolphin fan.   Hopeful because you know both Belichick and Brady had to retire at some point, which will then make your division and even the whole AFC more competitive.   The Patriots have been to 8 out ...