Tag: Noor Haghighi

Sculpture on campus 2020
Arts & Entertainment, News

Sculpture on campus 2020

By Noor Haghighi Since 2004, Pima Community College has given local artists the opportunity to enrich the PCC environment with their contemporary outdoor sculptures. This year, the opening ceremony was taken to the virtual world with a live stream via YouTube on Friday, October 30.  PCC Dean of the Arts, Steven Higginbothom, opened with the prominent message that, “particularly at this time, when we are all cooped up in our homes and maintaining our social distance … the purpose and value of art is so apparent.”   Lee Lambert, PCC’s chancellor, and Chair of Pima’s Board of Governors, Damian Klinko, followed, asserting their appreciation for art, especially at this time. To close the introduction, Mike Stack, part of PCC’s art faculty, offered his excitement for the program and added that...

Vote ‘YES’ on Prop 208: It won’t cost you a penny

By Noor Haghighi The great state of Arizona is notorious for its failure to meet national education standards.  As of this year, we sit at 49th place for overall education based on data determining quality and safety. In 2018, Arizonans took to the streets to protest in favor of Red for Ed, a movement that pushed for an increase in state government spending on public education. Since the outcome of Red for Ed was unfortunately of little help,  the state still has a long way to go. And now that the elections are coming up in November, Proposition 208 has come into play.  A stripped down, digestible version of what the proposition introduces in regards to educational funding in Arizona is as follows: A vote “yes” on the ballot will support increasing the income tax from 4.5% to 8% on incom...
News, Opinion

Covid-19 vs mental health

By NOOR HAGHIGHI A few weeks ago, my dad came home from Walgreens where he picked up some Zinc supplements for me. Many of us, myself included, have developed a keen sense of hypochondria during the pandemic. The slightest tickle in the throat scared me into believing that the virus was coming for me. He told me that all the supplements like Ashwagandha, which helps your body relieve stress, other nerve relaxants and stomach relaxants were quite scarce. When I stopped by Target later on, his claims were verified, as the sleeping pills and Vitamin Cs had also been wiped out. It feels like everyone is on edge; that this nervousness in the air is not confined to any particular age group. It’s taken a toll on my friends and I as high schoolers; I’ve seen it ripping families apart and it’s har...